Five Master Edits with Sound Effects


  1. Synchronous sound - I added the sound of a clock ticking to add suspense since the rest of the clip is silence. Synchronous sounds are sounds that are matched up with clips. The original clip had no sound. This sound is diegetic sound because the character can hear the sound of the clock. There is no effect before because their is no sound. After adding the sound, you can understand that the character is probably stressing out. Perhaps there is a time restraint. When you are focused on time it seems to move slower or faster then normal. 
  2. Synchronous sound - I added the noise of people talking to the first clip and the sound of muffled speaking in the second. Synchronous sounds are sounds that are matched up with clips. The original clip had no sound. This sound is diegetic sound because the characters can hear the voices in and out of the room. There is no effect before because their is no sound. After adding the sound, you can see how un-immersed online students are compared to in-class students are.  
  3. Music - I added tropical music to exaggerate how relaxing the beach scene is. The original clip had no sound. This is non-diegetic sound because music in dreams aren't real and people out side of you can't hear it. There is little effect before because their is no sound. After adding the sound, you get more of how relaxing the dreamscape is.  
  4. Sound Bridge - I added relaxing music to both clips to show how they are similar but different. Sound bridge is music that carries from one clip to another. The original clip had no sound. This is non-diegetic sound because the characters cannot hear the music. There is little effect before because their is no sound. After adding the sound, you get that both scenarios are similar because they both depict a lunchtime scenario just in different locations. 
  5. Offscreen sound - I added the happy birthday music to show that the bear was a gift. Offscreen sound is sound that doesn't occur on screen but is happening in the present. The original clip had no sound. This is diegetic sound because the characters in the scenes can hear it. There is no effect before because their is no sound. After adding the sound, you understand that this scene is a birthday party for the character in frame.


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