Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"


The film "Agent Carter" directed by Louis D 'Esposito demonstrates different film elements effectively. 

Camera shots, angles, movement and composition are important elements in a film that can either hint at or showcase details of a scene that the audience may or may not be aware of. Most of the film is comprised of head-on, follow and close shots. There is also an establishing shot towards the beginning that sets location and era. A standout follow shot is the scene before the big fight. As Peggy is walking up to the building. The audience can infer that there is about to be conflict but there isn't worry for Peggy because she exudes confidence. As she's walking, the camera shows her from a lower angle. This angle reinforces the idea that Peggy is the heroine of the film, and rightfully so.

Simultaneity is exhibited in the first minutes of the film, "Agent Carter". Cross-cutting is a technique in which the editor cuts between two scenes occurring at the same time in different locations. Steve Rogers is on an aircraft while Peggy is communicating with him on land. The editor cuts back and forth to each character and location as they say final goodbyes. The final cut is to Peggy as she realizes she isn't going to get a response from Steve. This simultaneity builds suspense and tension up to the final cut, when the audience expects another cut but doesn't receive one. We are left to assume that Steve doesn't survive the crash. 

Many sound techniques are used in the film. Sound in film can heavily effect the mood or plot. An example offscreen sound is when Peggy asks the man she captured to yell for help. At first, he refuses and Peggy motions to threaten him and in the next shot his call is heard from down the hall by other characters. This brings comedy, in an otherwise more intense scene.

Mise-en-scene is the setting, lighting, costumes/make-up, depth of space and acting. In the "Agent Carter" film, there are a few different settings in the first 5 minutes. The third scene showcased is a 1943 New York headquarters of such, similar to a police station. It is crammed full of desks. I believe it's symbolism for how overshadowed Peggy feels. She's being pressured and held down by her peers and has no room to excel the way she knows she can. This is represented by the big room with small room to walk. The lighting in most of the film is dimly lit and shadowed. This shows that the film isn't going to be a very happy one at first. The Costumes/make-up are not period-specific, they could be easily worn today by anyone. The colors are darker, not many bright colors are worn. Peggy is wearing a dark blue color to symbolize her heroism. Her boss towards the beginning of the clip is shown wearing gray to symbolize how standard and boring he is. The depth of space is deep but centered on a main actor in each shot, showcasing frontality. The acting is believable, Peggy is easily seen as hardworking and her colleges are obviously misogynistic. 


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