favorite shots from my classmates blogs

 The two classmate blogs I looked at were Cayley and Kayla. I liked Cayley's dolly, eye level and the over the shoulder shots. I liked the dolly shot because it was very clean and well done. The teacher stepping out the door and walking past the camera also gave a cool effect. I liked her eye level shot because it made me feel like I was there with the subject and talking to them. I liked the over the shoulder shot because it reminded me of how it feels as a freshman following around a friend because you aren't sure of the school yet. In "Different Camera Angles Create Different Emotions" the author informs us that these kinds of shots, "...can feel as though you're experiencing the scene with that person...can also show you how close characters are". I liked Kayla's low angle, establishing and close up shots. I thought the low angle was cool because it feels like you're looking from the angle of a small pet. A pet's owner is superior to the animal so it makes sense.In "Different Camera Angles Create Different Emotions" the author states,"...may make you feel the character is dominant, important, heroic, or even more evil." The establishing shot of the hallway almost felt a little creepy and intimidating. It felt like a new student looking into the dorm hallway for the first time and trying to locate their room. The close up shot reminded me of a stock image for relaxing candles.


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